NameCodeNoteHacker Name
Start With More EnergyAOOUNKGAGaloob
Take Less DamageSXUETVOUGaloob
Take More DamageZENETTPAGaloob
2 Type B Weapons For NicholasZEULXGIAGaloob
9 Type B Weapons For NicholasPEULXGIEGaloob
5 Type B Weapons For Max And GrantIEXUXKZAGaloob
15 Type B Weapons For Max And GrantYEXUXKZEGaloob
Infinite Type B Weapons For AllAAUPIZPAGaloob
Longer Disguise TimeVKOAVOSX GAEOPLPAGaloob
Infinite Weapon BOLUPTXOOSuperior to Galoob's code, in that it only modifies the address required, instead of 2 addresses.Ugetab