Name | Code | Note | Hacker Name |
Set Timer To 440 | GUONPPLL | Galoob | |
Both Players (1 Life) | PAOGPIGA | Galoob | |
Both Players (8 Lives) | AAOGPIGE | Galoob | |
Start With Flame Thrower | PAVKGIAA | Galoob | |
Start With Fireball | ZAVKGIAA | Galoob | |
Start With Laser | LAVKGIAA | Galoob | |
Don't Lose Life When Shot Or Touched | AEEKXONY | Galoob | |
Don't Lose Life From Falling Down Holes | AANGVXNY | Galoob | |
1 Life After Continue | PEXGGLGA | Galoob | |
8 Lives After Continue | AEXGGLGE | Galoob |