Name | Code | Note | Hacker Name |
Virtual Intangibility | PEGKEG | You can walk through any wall vertically, but walking through walls horizontally is limited. If Fester turns invisible, press Select to open the menu, then once again and he will reappear, but will be in a new location. | acedecad |
Invincibility | AYIPOG | | WeeChek |
You Have No Gun | SOSKKK | | lmcgrew |
Messed Up Graphics | LUUKKK | | lmcgrew |
Makes The Game A Little Easier | OSSKKK | | lmcgrew |
Moonwalking | PIPKKK | | lmcgrew |
Strange Music And Sound Effects | KIKEAG | | Rick L |
Different Colors | IPEKAG | | Rick L |
Weird Graphics When You Fire Weapon | KESTEA | | Rick L |
No Enemies (Doesn't Work Inside Buildings) | OPIETA | | Theresa E Bell |