Name | Code | Note | Hacker Name |
Start With 6 Lives | IEKEPTZA | Galoob | |
Start With 9 Lives | AEKEPTZE | Galoob | |
Infinite Lives | GZSILAVG | Galoob | |
Infinite Energy (Except For Spikes) | OVSLZLSV | Galoob | |
Stop Timer | ATKKXZSZ | Galoob | |
Speed Up Timer | YPKGNXYU | Galoob | |
Slow Down Timer | YYKGNXYU | Galoob | |
Infinite Life Tanks | GXEVXTVG | Galoob | |
Infinite Energy Tanks | GZEIPLVG | Galoob | |
Throw Meter Doesn't Decrease When Boomerang Is Thrown | SAKSZZSZ | Galoob |