NameCodeNoteHacker Name
Always Hit The Duck In Single-Duck ModeELXSLZEIeven when you shoot at the floor! Makes the other two modes impossible, thoughCheatMaster
Always Advance To The Next Round (Miss All Of The Targets To Get The Perfect Bonus)ALSIPLEICheatMaster
Get The Perfect Bonus For Hitting At Least 10 TargetsZEUIYZAE
necessary to get it using the above code without missing everythingCheatMaster
Always Get The Perfect BonusAASIAUZA
Get The Perfect Bonus Only For Hitting 20 TargetsGPSIAUZA
This is only possiblewith the "always advance" code, so you'll need two GGs. (If you're curious, I *did* test this on a real NES using two real GGs)CheatMaster