Name | Code | Note | Hacker Name |
Increase Stamina To 99 | LVNYIVYL | | Galoob |
Player 1 Starts With Double Money | AGENAYAZ | | Galoob |
Player 2 Starts With Double Money | AGOYYYAZ | | Galoob |
Player 1 Starts With $100 Extra | PAENIYAA | | Galoob |
Player 2 Starts With $100 Extra | PAONGYAA | | Galoob |
Gray And Blue | GGGGGG | | lmcgrew |
Enemies Have A Serious Disorder | EATZZZ | | lmcgrew |
Money Disappears Fast And Some Weapons Just Drop Out Of The Sky | YZOZZZ | | lmcgrew |
If You Run You're Screwed If You Don't Then It Is Very Funny (Don't Get Hit) | PXYZZZ | | lmcgrew |
1-Hit And The Enemies Die | SOSPPP | | lmcgrew |