Name | Code | Note | Hacker Name |
Start With 6 Lives | IAVEZAZA | Galoob | |
Start With 9 Lives | AAVEZAZE | Galoob | |
Infinite Feathers | SZOZUPVG | Galoob | |
Infinite Stars | SZXXITVG | Galoob | |
Infinite Boomerangs | SXNOGGVG | Galoob | |
Infinite Fireflames | SXUZZYVG | Galoob | |
Only 1 Feather Picked Up | PAXSXALA | Galoob | |
6 Feathers Picked Up | TAXSXALA | Galoob | |
Only 10 Stars Picked Up | ZAXSUAGO | Galoob | |
40 Stars Picked Up | AZXSUAGO | Galoob |