Name | Code | Note | Hacker Name |
Start With 4240 Gold Pieces | APKPTIPA | | Galoob |
Start With 144 Gold Pieces (For Experts) | AAKPTIPA | | Galoob |
Mage Starts With 712 Hit Points Instead of 200 | ZEVPTIAA | | Galoob |
Mage Starts With 381 Experience Points Instead of 125 | PAOPTTAA | | Galoob |
Mage Starts With Strength of 32 Instead of 16 | AXNOIIAP | | Galoob |
Mage Starts With 9,853 Experience | TZOPTTAA | | drgonzo7 |
Mage Starts With 50 Strength | ZUNOIIAP | | drgonzo7 |
Start With 100 Ash Instead of 8 | GTXPIVAA | | Galoob |
Start With 100 Ginseng Instead of 8 | GTXPTVAA | | Galoob |
Start With 100 Garlic Instead of 9 | GTXPYVPA | | Galoob |