Version A Codes6
Version B Codes10
NameCodeNoteHacker Name
Infinite LivesSZNKIPVSYou do have Infinite lives, but you get the game over screen every time you lose a life. But after the Game Over screen and high scores, you start a new life.DocLathropBrown
Infinite TimeSXVVLTVKThis code totally screws up the screen, causing it to be a mismash of assorted Graphics. Don't use this code unless you want a challenge!DocLathropBrown
Infinite Nuke ("N") On Pick-UpSZTGZOAs long as you don't die and have to start over again, (just use the Infinite Lives code) you keep the Nuke you've collected so far, and can add to it. No more going to the shooting range!DocLathropBrown
Infinite TimeSXVVLTVGThis version doesn't cause graphical errors.Ugetab
Nukes Worth 10 EachAAEVKALAIf you get over 9 nukes, the 10s digit will look wrong, but it'll be the correct number of nukes you collected multiplied by 10.Ugetab