NameCodeNoteHacker Name
Start With 7 Lives07D DDF E66Galoob
Start With 12 Lives0CD DDF E66Galoob
Start With 25 Lives195 DDF E66Galoob
Start With 50 Lives325 DDF E66Galoob
Start With 99 Lives635 DDF E66Galoob
Start With 5 Health/Vitality Units055 649 D5AGaloob
Start With 8 Health/Vitality Units085 649 D5AGaloob
*Start With 25 Health/Vitality Units195 649 D5A* = Don't grab any fruit.Galoob
*Start With 50 Health/Vitality Units325 649 D5AGaloob
*Start With 99 Health/Vitality Units635 649 D5AGaloob