NameCodeNoteHacker Name
Start With 7 Lives060 8DF E62Galoob
Start With 9 Lives080 8DF E62Galoob
Infinite Lives21A 63D 2A2If you don't see yourself on screen, press the right arrow.Galoob
*Watch Ending195 CCE B3E 005 C9E 6EA 005 CAC E62Galoob
Floor Doesn't Move004 A6E 3BEGaloob
*Start On Stage 2025 CCE B3E 005 C9E 6EA 005 CAC E62* = Practice codes only. Switch codes off to go on to next level.Galoob
*Start On Stage 3035 CCE B3E 005 C9E 6EA 005 CAC E62Galoob
*Start On Stage 4045 CCE B3E 005 C9E 6EA 005 CAC E62Galoob
*Start On Stage 5065 CCE B3E 005 C9E 6EA 005 CAC E62Galoob
*Start On Stage 6075 CCE B3E 005 C9E 6EA 005 CAC E62Galoob