Name | Code | Note | Hacker Name |
Start With 6 Lives | 067 B1F E66 | Galoob | |
Start With 8 Lives | 087 B1F E66 | Galoob | |
Infinite Lives | 000 93D E69 | Galoob | |
*Start With 5 Energy Units | 047 E0E E6E | * = Don't pick up stars and ignore your counter. | Galoob |
*Start With 7 Energy Units | 067 E0E E6E | Galoob | |
*Start With 9 Energy Units | 087 E0E E6E | Galoob | |
Infinite Energy | 21C 04E 91D | Galoob | |
After Donald Loses 1 Energy Unit He Is Invincible | 219 B3E 91D | Galoob |