Name | Code | Note | Hacker Name |
No Time Outs | 00C DAF E66 | Galoob | |
Start With 5 Time Outs | 05C DAF E66 | Galoob | |
Start With 10 Time Outs | 10C DAF E66 | Galoob | |
Only Have Enough Time For 1 Play After Kick Off In Each Quarter | 00C F4F F7E | Galoob | |
2-Minute Quarters | 02C F4F F7E | Galoob | |
60-Minute Quarters | 3CC F4F F7E | Galoob | |
Infinite Play Timer | 3A8 D7E 2A2 | Galoob | |
Start With 10 Seconds On Play Clock After Most Plays | 0A0 79B 4CA | Galoob | |
Touchdowns Worth 0 Points | 006 B09 F72 | Galoob | |
Touchdowns Worth 1 Point | 016 B09 F72 | Galoob |