Name | Code | Note | Hacker Name |
Start With 2 Lives | 022 727 E66 | Galoob | |
Start With 7 Lives | 072 727 E66 | Galoob | |
Start With 9 Lives | 092 727 E66 | Galoob | |
Infinite Energy (Switch Off Codes If You Get Stuck) | 3A7 02B 2A2 | Galoob | |
Infinite Lives | 3A1 2AE 2A2 | Galoob | |
Infinite Ammo For Special Weapons | 3A3 23D 2A2 | Galoob | |
Die And Get Special Weapons Given To You | 3C1 32E 5D4 | Galoob | |
Don't Lose Special Weapons After Dying | 211 36E 2A2 211 39E 2A2 | Galoob | |
Invincibility | 3E6 FFB 2AA 207 00B E6E 007 01B 5D4 | Galoob |